Fall 2014

September 12, 2014
Anton Kleywegt
School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology
Multidisciplinary Value Driven Design Optimization

October 3, 2014
Robert Daly
Kissinger Institute
Hard Limits on Chinese Soft Power

October 10, 2014
Richard Arthur
GE Global Research Computational Sciences & Architectures
Impact of High-End Computation on Industry and the Workforce

October 17, 2014
Warren Walker
Delft University of Technology
Dynamic Adaptive Policymaking: An Approach to Planning Under Deep Uncertainty

October 24, 2014
Ian Parry
Fiscal Affairs Department, International Monetary Fund
Getting Energy Prices Right: From Principle to Practice

October 31, 2014
Peter Rogers
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Harvard University
The Water, Food, Energy, Nexus: Does it make Sense?

November 7, 2014
Lisa May
Mars Exploration Program, NASA Headquarters
Systems Engineering of a Sample Return Campaign: The intersection of science, stakeholders, and systems engineering

November 14, 2014
Chai Wu
Business Analytics and Mathematical Sciences Department, IBM
Global Technology Outlook 2014: Transforming industries with Systems of Insight

November 21, 2014
Yaneer Bar-Yam
New England Complex Systems Institute
Complex Systems Science and Global Crises: From the Global Food Crisis to the Ebola Epidemic

December 5, 2014
Kyung-Ah Park
Environmental Markets, Goldman Sachs
Environmental Markets - systems approach to environmental challenges and opportunities