Spring 2011

February 4, 2011
Mark Z. Jacobson
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University
Powering the World with Wind, Water, and Sun

February 11, 2011
Stefan Mangold
Senior Research Scientist, Disney Research Zürich
Wireless Communications for Toys and Theme Parks

March 4, 2011
Chris Paredis
G.W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technolog
Model-Based Systems Engineering with SysML: Current Capabilities and Future Trends

April 8, 2011
Mary D. Nichols, J.D.
Chairman, California Air Resources Board
The energy, climate, and sustainability challenges facing us today dwarf those of generations past.

April 19, 2011
Lance Simmens
Climate / Sustainability Consultant
Should We Still Care About Climate Change and Global Warming?